
Cover art

   SoundHound- screenshot

   SoundHound- screenshot

   SoundHound- screenshot

   SoundHound- screenshot

   SoundHound- screenshot

SoundHound is a music search and discovery experience that identifies music being played around you. Tap the orange button to instantly identify songs and see lyrics, share, stream, buy or simply explore more about artists you know and love or have just discovered.
Exclusive: You can also search by singing or humming into SoundHound, making it the only app in the world that can give you results through unique sing/hum search technology.
When you SoundHound a song, you can:
- Save & add to your Spotify playlist
- Listen to the full song, and follow along with our exclusive LiveLyrics®, right in SoundHound with a connected Spotify Premium account
- View lyrics, moving real-time with the music
- Access artist photos & biographies
- View album release date & band info
- Watch music videos - choose your favorites or browse the top videos others are watching
- Preview songs & album reviews
- Share your favorite songs to Facebook and Twitter
- Launch Spotify, Pandora, or Google Play Radio
- Purchase songs or albums instantly in Google Play
- Control the TouchTunes Jukebox and play your songs at select venues
- Check out the hottest in new music
From the home screen, scroll to explore:
- Artists Born Today, showcasing artists on their birthday, everyday
- Music Charts, including Global, Emerging, and Popular by Genre
- Music Map of discoveries near you locally & around the world
- Facebook and Twitter updates from your favorite performers
- Weekly featured songs, videos, artists and albums
- Similar artists and album recommendations
- Your History, showing your previous searches (register to ensure your discoveries are never lost!)
Also Download: BSPlayer

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